❌ Kiwi X Not Working

General Information On Kiwi X Bugs and Errors

Kiwi X crashing on Launch or Not Opening:

Anti Virus blocking Kiwi X

Your AV could be responsible for stopping the program from running. Learn more on false virus detections here. It's recommended to disable your Anti Virus & re-downloading Kiwi X.

Corrupted files

Due to Anti Virus removing files from the folder. Make sure to disable your Anti Virus and re-download the Kiwi X files in the case that files were deleted.

Unsupported Operating System

Kiwi X is not available on all operating systems. Check OS Requirements here.

Missing Required Packages

Packages required for Kiwi X to function may be missing. Check Required Packages here.

Files were not Extracted

It's required to extract files using a tool like WinRAR or 7ZIP before running Kiwi X.

Not extracting the Kiwi X files beforehand can cause errors. Both with launching & injection.

Kiwi X crashing on Injection or Not Injecting:

The possible reasons listed below is assuming that Kiwi X was downloaded without an Anti Virus running, files were properly extracted & that you're on a supported OS.

Roblox client was not downgraded to 2.592.586.0

Due to the implementation of Byfron (Roblox's Anti Cheat) Kiwi X and other executors are currently operating on a downgraded version of Roblox that doesn't have this implemented.

If all steps were done properly and you're unable to inject, then a downgrade is needed.

Learn how to Downgrade your Roblox Client here 👉 Downgrading Roblox Client [Working]

Note: Kiwi X currently only works on the UWP version of Roblox [Microsoft Windows Store Client]. If you're attempting to inject from the Web Client then you'll face errors & a possible account ban.

Your ISP [Internet Service Provider] is blocking our servers

In some cases, when all steps are done without problem you may still not be able to inject as your ISP could block our DLL that contacts our servers, which is used for injecting.

How to Fix ISP blocking servers using Cloudflare WARP:

1) Go to -

2) Download Windows Version

3) After Installed toggle the Icon

4) Enable WARP

5) After connecting to CloudFlare WARP, click the inject icon on Kiwi X.

You should only need to use the WARP method if none of the above solutions worked.

Last updated